
Taking care of baby and me program
Taking care of baby and me program


If you have further questions, please contact Rachel Bowman at contact Health Plus. Step 3: Call to learn more about our New Baby, New Life program and to get. Kate Virostko, MSN, Certified Nurse MidwifeĬaring for Your Body throughout Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period This screener will help us customize the care and support we provide you. Kameron Brainard, MSN, Certified Nurse Midwife Provide documentation of attending all prenatal provider visits.Attend at least 3 of the monthly sessions.In addition to the monthly sessions, $50 is offered to eligible participants who: Ask your health care provider for help if you need it.

taking care of baby and me program

Your baby will go through many changes during the first year of life. Babies can have health issues that are different from older children and adults, like diaper rash and cradle cap. These sessions are led by Vanderbilt experts: nurse midwives, pediatricians, lactation consultants, etc.Įnroll in Babies & You to have access to monthly educational sessions, now offered virtually. Newborns have many needs, like frequent feedings and diaper changes. The program encourages early and consistent prenatal care and provides monthly educational opportunities including topics like breastfeeding, nutrition, coping with the discomforts of pregnancy, newborn care, choosing a pediatrician, and more.


You can find CBE providers listed by county on the Childbirth Education Provider Directory or call WithinReach at 1-80.Health Plus offers Babies & You, a work site prenatal health promotion program for faculty/staff, spouses, and/or dependent children who become pregnant. Find Your Class We offer classes for expectant parents, grandparents, babysitters and siblings in four convenient locations in Raleigh, Cary, North Raleigh. Where can you find a CBE provider in Washington?

  • Safe sleeping position, car seat safety, and well-child care.
  • Newborn care and changes to expect at home after baby is born.

    What to expect during labor and delivery, how to manage pain and a hospital tour.Warning signs in pregnancy and what to do.CBE usually starts during the third trimester and the topics include: Childbirth Education (CBE)Įligible pregnant individuals and their support person(s) can attend group Childbirth Education (CBE) classes, at no cost, when the classes are taught by a Health Care Authority-approved CBE educator who accepts Apple Health. Text BABY to 85886 to join the Keys to Your Care program. You can find ICM providers listed by county on the First Steps Provider Directory or call WithinReach at 1-80. What can the Bright Start program do for me Get help signing up for childbirth. Where can you find an ICM provider in Washington? Services may be provided in the provider’s office, the family’s home, or an alternate location. ICM may start any time after Maternity Support Services ends (usually when the baby is about 3 months old) and can continue up to the last day of the month of the baby’s first birthday. Infant Case Management (ICM) can help families learn about, and how to use, needed medical, social, educational, and other resources in the community so the baby and family can thrive. Sometimes there are family situations that place infants at higher risk of having problems. You can find MSS providers listed by county in the First Steps Provider Directory or call WithinReach at 1-80. Where can you find an MSS provider in Washington? Community health workers (some locations).Services are provided by a team that includes: Brief counseling for identified risk factors.Screening for possible pregnancy risk factors.However, pregnant individuals are encouraged to enter the program as early as possible during their pregnancy to improve birth outcomes. Services can begin any time during the pregnancy, delivery or postpartum period. MSS is offered in addition to medical and prenatal care.Ī pregnant individual can receive MSS during pregnancy and 60 days postpartum. Individuals can receive MSS through the First Steps Program if they are pregnant and receiving Apple Health. Maternity Support Services (MSS) are preventive health and education services to help an individual have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

    taking care of baby and me program

    They are able to link you to resources in your county. Please call the WithinReach Family Health Hotline at 1-80. If you don't qualify because you have too much income, there are other resources to help you. What to do if you don’t qualify for pregnancy medical through First Steps:

  • One year of family planning services post pregnancy.
  • First Steps services include medical, enhanced, drug and alcohol and other services: Medical services First Steps is available as soon as an individual knows they are pregnant and is covered by Washington Apple Health (Medicaid). First Steps is a program that helps low-income pregnant individuals get the health and social services they may need and covers a variety of services for pregnant individuals and their infants.

    Taking care of baby and me program